D5.3: Minutes and conclusions of the Workshop 1
Deliverable 5.3 contains the minutes and conclusions of the first CAPABLE policy workshop ...
Insights on climate POLICY ACCEPTANCE
Notes of the discussions held during the 1st CAPABLE POLICY WORKSHOP at RFF‐CMCC headquarters in Milan...
GOVTs’ responses to the energy crisis
During our 1st stakeholders’ workshop in Milan, the OECD presented the results of their study ...
CAPABLE Kick‐off meeting Held on February 28th & March 1st, 2023: RFF‐CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, CMCC c/o Cariplo Factory, Learning Rooms, Via Tortona 56, 20143 Milan, Italy. Overview of the CAPABLE project DAY 1 – The main objectives of our first live encounter were to getting to know each other, to […]