researchers involved

An interdisciplinary team spanning across 7 European countries


Top European climate and policy research centers

Total EU contribution

CAPABLE is financed under the Horizon Europe programme

Project duration

The project started on Jan 1 2023 and will last until Dec 31 2025

What we aim to

CAPABLE Objectives


Addressing issues of deep uncertainty, social heterogeneity of actors, behavioural responses and biases, and multi-objective welfare measurement.

Develop new methods for socio-economic decision-making


Particularly on determinants of public support and opposition driving the political feasibility of climate policies.

Enhance the empirical knowledge of public
perceptions of climate policies


With a focus on policy implementation and sequencing, and on policies of the Fit for 55 package – with the best available scientific evidence.

Synthesize the rich
literature on climate policy impact evaluation


From the European and national levels to regional city levels, as well as recent citizen engagement initiatives

Analyse the role of
policymakers at various levels


To be disseminated, exploited, and facilitated by the development of an online policy evaluation tool.

Design actionable and effective climate
policy recommendations

our team

Feasibility . Acceptance . Efficiency .

Each country responds in a different way to face the net‐zero pathway. So what is really worth? Which policy works better?

Massimo Tavoni RFF-CMCC director

Carbon taxes and environmental taxes in general, may not be feasible right now but may become viable in the future with proper revenue recycling towards clean infrastructure, investment or social redistribution

Summary of discussion CAPABLE 1st Policy workshop

The governments' responses to the energy crisis was quick and robust but untargeted, and overall the crisis had not derailed much of the climate change mitigation efforts.

Tobias Kruse OECD


From social psychology and political science to economics and environmental sciences - each researcher brings a fundamental contribution to the mix.

Simone Borghesi

WP4-WP5 coordinator at EUI

Pablo Núñez Yebra

WP1 researcher at UAB

Iva Zvěřinová

WP2 researcher at CUNI

Klaas Miersch

WP3 Researcher at MCC

Johannes Emmerling

Project coordinator at EIEE-CMCC

Ilke Aydogan

WP1 researcher at IESEG/iRisk

Thibault Richard

WP1 researcher at IESEG-CNRS

Emanuele Campiglio
Alessio Levis

WP2 Researcher at ETH Zurich

Alessia Casamassima

WP4 researcher at EUI

Goda Perlaviciute

WP2 Coordinator at RUG

Silvia Pianta

WP4-WP5 coordinator at EIEE-CMCC

Mary Sanford

WP2-4 researcher at EIEE-CMCC

Niklas Döbbeling

WP3 researcher at MCC

Ivan Savin

WP1 coordinator at UAB

James Tremewan

WP1 researcher at IESEG-CNRS

Milan Ščasný

WP2 coordinator at CUNI

Roberta Terranova

WP4 researcher at EIEE-CMCC

Massimo Tavoni

Institution leader at EIEE-CMCC

Albert Ferrari

WP5 researcher at EUI

Thomas Epper

WP1 coordinator at IESEG-CNRS

Our first webinar

impact of
green policies on local economic performance

Button Watch the video of our first webinar dedicated to the impact of the EU ETS on employment and competitiveness