CAPABLE will develop an online tool based on a systematic analysis of the literature on the evaluation of climate and environmental policies, together with statistical data on public acceptance and other measures based on our data collected. This tool will serve as an instrument to promote the transparency, usability, flexibility, and public acceptance of climate policies and provide a one-stop-shop for policymakers on these issues. While we develop the tool take a look at some of the useful tools available out there and which may inspire us.
The ENGAGE project is developing multiple sets of both global and national scenarios, with the data sets for specific publications also available. Using the Scenario Explorer, you can compare scenarios and model results, or peruse the data from ENGAGE publications in pre-set workspaces.
The Explorer also has links to downloads, documentation, and license information in case you wish to use any of the data for research.
The Climate Policy Database, maintained by NewClimate Institute with support from PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Wageningen University and Research, aims to gather information on climate mitigation policies and benchmark these against a policy matrix, that represents a comprehensive policy package to mitigate the effects of climate change. The database covers national mitigation-related policies and is updated periodically. Planned policies are excluded from the database, with an exception of energy and emission targets announced as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for the post-2020 period.
The ENGAGE app allows to choose from a wide set of different GHG allocation rules and regional emissions to stay well-below 2°C: Grandfathering, Per Capita Convergence, Immediate Equal Per Capita emissions, Greenhouse Development Rights & Ability to Pay.
The INNOPATHS Decarbonisation Policy Evaluation Tool is an online interface to explore what is known – and what is not known – about the impact of different types of policy instruments used to accelerate low-carbon energy transitions on a set of seven performance indicators. The Decarbonisation Policy Evaluation Tool is intended to be a helpful reference as it allows you to foresee possible tradeoffs in decarbonisation policy or co-benefits.